A car, comrades, is not a luxury, but a means of transportation! O.I. Bender, 'The Golden Calf'
The day of the motorist is already in the past, despite this, today's post is dedicated to all lovers of speed, the smell of a catalyst and drive. For a while, we will jump into the seat of a racing car and get acquainted with the best car simulators for the platform iPhone.
Need for speed undercover
Need For Speed Undercover is one of the most successful racing apps in my opinion. Unlike other high-speed toys, NFSU perfectly implements the drawing of details, which allows you to admire the landscapes surrounding the track and of course our cars. The prelaunch atmosphere reigns in the garage, we are investing the money we have earned on the races in iron horses, buying new forced engines, improving the fuel injection system with nitrous oxide. If you have a couple of thousand dollars left, you can buy new titans, a spoler or paint with airbrushing. When the beast-machine is ready, we choose a location, get a task and warming up the tires at the start, we get off the ground. A well-chosen musical accompaniment brings its portion of the drive, but if you wish, the repertoire can be changed by turning on the iPod application before starting the game, in this case you can switch the track by double-clicking the “Home” button.
The controls are simple, all maneuvers are performed using an accelerometer. It will only be possible to turn the car over in the event of a head-on collision, which can be prevented by activating the 'matrix' function and slowing down the time a little. If a collision is necessary, then a small dose of nitra will make the process more effective. Nice, smooth interface, sound and detail of the arcade attract, thirsty for speed, owners iPhone.
By Electronic Arts iOS 2.2.1 and up $ 0.99 [iTunes link]
Asphalt 5
Arcade simulator Asphalt 5 from Gameloft is a real street race, in contrast to the 4th version, the graphics are improved. Added new locations that provide the ability to make races along the streets of Las Vegas and St Tropez. Support for the Gameloft LIVE social network has been implemented. The garage has also undergone an update – new types of tuning, and most importantly, an expanded model range, now it consists of 33 supercars. Audi The R8, Bugatti Veyron 16.4 and other top-notch cars will provide a lot of fun in the game.
Music score can change radio (uses iPod library). The test drive of the simulator was carried out on an iPhone of the first, 2G generation. In the process of passing the distance, slight slowdowns were noticed, let's hope that everything will be smooth in older models. But, despite this drawback, the game has already found its audience of users. By Gameloft iOS 3.0 and up $ 0.99 [iTunes link]
Real Racing
The first difference, in comparison with the two previous games, was the menu, which is made in three dimensions. Having swept with a breeze a couple of races in the 'Fast Race' section, it became obvious that the game is different in genre, this is no longer a typical street racing, but a serious, sports competition that requires perseverance and skill. If we managed to accelerate when cornering in NFS, then here we have to slow down. Check in must be flawless. A small collision, derailment and leading positions we never see.
You can play in both horizontal and vertical modes. Without leaving the race track, there is the possibility of viewing visibility from the car interior. To be admitted to the competition, you will have to overcome the training race. Once you've mastered your riding skills and are well positioned in the Career section, you can take part in online competitions using local multiplayer. If the first two arcade simulators seemed too easy for you to control and pass, then Real Racing should be just right.
By Firemint Pty Ltd iOS 2.2 above $ 4.99 [iTunes link]