Rate&Goods – изучаем товар по штих-коду [Free]

Rate&Goods - изучаем товар по штих-коду [Free] Порой задумываешься: вот бы в магазине, как в музее, был экскурсовод или гид…Чтож, нет ничего невозможного, и позвольте представить вашему вниманию приложение для iPhone “Rate&Goods”. If the package has a barcode, then by scanning it with a smartphone camera you will receive complete information about its characteristics. And you can see the reviews of others. It is pleasantly surprising that the application contains information about more than 5 million (!!!) Russian and foreign goods! Agree, impressive! Moreover, today there are no analogues of such applications that would have such information. Rate&Goods - изучаем товар по штих-коду [Free] Каталог Rate&Goods содержит в себе довольно широкий ассортимент товаров, причем найти в нем можно практически все от лекарств до продуктов и даже детских игрушек! Moreover, the catalog is updated all the time. Moreover, the catalog can be replenished as a manufacturer of goods (as advertising, including), as well as all users, with the help of reviews and recommendations. Rate&Goods - изучаем товар по штих-коду [Free] You can find the desired product in the bowels of the application by name or using a barcode. Rate&Goods - изучаем товар по штих-коду [Free]Rate&Goods - изучаем товар по штих-коду [Free] After the application finds the product you are interested in in its 'database', you can find out almost everything: composition, manufacturer, shelf life, read reviews of other buyers, and so on. The information is quite comprehensive and detailed, I must say. Moreover, the application, if the product (according to the application) is not of the best quality, will also display you a list of similar products from other manufacturers. It's the same with the price. Rate&Goods - изучаем товар по штих-коду [Free]Rate&Goods - изучаем товар по штих-коду [Free] The application saves you money, because why overpay for a similar product of a more expensive brand, if a cheaper manufacturer has a more attractive price, and the composition is similar, and the reviews are better Rate&Goods - изучаем товар по штих-коду [Free]Rate&Goods - изучаем товар по штих-коду [Free] Rate&Goods позволяет Вам так же самостоятельно оценить товар и написать по нему отзыв, и, кто знает, может именно Ваше мнение поможет определиться другому пользователю с выбором. And you can also ask a question about the product you are interested in to another user before purchasing. Rate&Goods - изучаем товар по штих-коду [Free] Here is such an interesting, useful, and most importantly unique application was on our review today. Надеюсь, что с помощью Rate&Goods Вы сможете найти для себя самое лучшее соотношение цены и качества!

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