Good day, dear readers! How often do you leave your device unattended? Whether it is work, study – it does not matter, because, in principle, everywhere private information that is on your device can be encroached on. And if before you might not know that someone tried to pass the lock screen iPhone, then with the Big Brother app there is nothing more to worry about. The intruder's face will be permanently imprinted on the phone's memory. The functionality of the application is very useful: the program will be able to inform you that someone has tried or is trying to access your device. The program helps in this matter in a very sophisticated way: in addition to photographing an unauthorized intruder, it can also send you this photo by mail, the time when an attempt was made to enter the bins of the device and even the coordinates of the crime scene.
When we start working with the program, we are offered a series of auxiliary slides on which we are asked to put a four-digit password on the lockscreen, turn on the ability to determine the location for the program, turn on Guidance Control and enter your e-mail.
Well, then the program already starts working. Imagine that an attacker takes a device in his hands, tries to unlock it, and at the same time you receive a message like this:
And then it's up to you what action to take. And even if you decide to go right away and “deal” with the intruder, then it's not a problem – you already have the coordinates of the device. And the matter remains small. The only pity is that there is no way to somehow punish the intruder at once, for example, send a threatening sound, or even a video in which you loved one threaten to destroy everyone and everyone who touches the device without asking. But even without this, the application is definitely useful and will definitely find its users. And free only colors it. Enjoy your use! And remember, Big Brother is watching your device!