Who could have suspected what would happen to books over the course of several decades: they not only received a new – electronic – format, but also became available in addition to reading and listening (first on records and on the radio, and then in digital). We want to present to you an application in which it seems that the creators have tried to show modern book formats at their best. Meet: “Book out loud”. Book Out Loud is an application for searching, downloading and listening to audiobooks through your iPhone or iPad. But that's not all: most of the catalogs are available in “audio + text” format. This means that at any time you can switch from listening to reading and vice versa.
The app catalog contains something for everyone's taste: classics, business literature, contemporary prose, non-fiction, detective stories and poetry. In separate categories are collected works for toddlers and the student's library. There are more than 700 audiobooks on the Books Aloud shelves, and new items appear every 2-3 days, so it is unlikely that you will be able to listen to the entire assortment.
For example, today three new business books will appear in the application at once: “Deadline” by Tom DeMarco, “More money from your business” by Alexander Levitas and “Built to Last” by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras. The audio quality cannot be disappointing either: you will hear the voices of professional actors, with some of the books being actual performances with more than 10 people. There are both free and paid works in the app – their price mostly ranges from $ 0.99 to $ 9.99. For those who like discounts, there is good news: thanks to the “Book of the Day” promotion, you can always download something at a reduced price. For example, today these are “Petersburg Stories” by N.V. Gogol (-50%).
Probably, all these qualities helped “Book Out Loud” to get its deserved 4.5 stars in the AppStore. It is worth a try – at least!