I think this program will be included in tutorials on creating interfaces for touch screen devices. Such attention has not been paid to more than one similar utility To Do lists for iPhone. Interest is not caused by the functionality of the program itself. List as a list. And how to manage this list with your fingers. As always with something outstanding, now some ideas from this application can be seen from other representatives App Store.
The interface is a screen with tiles on which task names are written. Using various gestures, you can collapse or expand a specific task, or insert an additional item between two cases. Swiping the tile to the left will delete the task, swiping to the right marks the task as completed.
The “Pull to…” function allows you to create new cases. And shrinking the screen takes you to the settings and to the menu for creating a new list. The program will be interesting primarily for designers who draw inspiration from other people's work. Well, and perhaps it will do for its main purpose – creating a to-do list. Install from AppStore