
Dictionaries for iphone

Wedict program

Want to turn iPhone into a pocket translator. Very simple. Install the weDict program from the Dictionaries folder of the installer. Next, you need to connect any dictionaries you need from the same folder. However, there is not much choice there due to the large file size. There is another option, install the dictionaries yourself, through the file manager.

Brief instructions for installing dictionaries for WeDict:

1. Install any of the dictionaries (the smallest Devil) so that the program creates the necessary weDict folder (if you wish, you can do this with the file manager, the main thing is not to confuse where).

2. Download the necessary dictionaries from here https://iphone-gps.ru/dictionaries/

the zip file contains 2 files .dict and .idx.

3. Place the .dict and .idx files in the directory:

/ private / var / root / Library / weDict – for firmware version 1.1.2


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/ private / var / mobile / Library / weDict – for firmware version 1.1.3 and 1.1.4.

4. Attention! If you have firmware 1.1.3 and 1.1.4, then you also need to register file permissions. Otherwise wedict will not see dictionaries. For this

using the file manager (for example PC Suite), set the rights for both files 755. Or for the entire weDict directory.


4. Delete the Devil dictionary so it doesn't get in the way.

5. Overload the phone.

To see the entire list of working dictionaries, click the button labeled “i” in the lower right corner of the phone window.

Ready dictionaries:

Russian-English, English-Russian, Russian-Spanish, Spanish-Russian, Russian-Italian, Italian-Russian, Russian-German, German-Russian, Russian-French, French-Russian, Russian-Polish, Polish-Russian, Russian- Greek, Greek-Russian can be taken from here: https://iphone-gps.ru/dictionaries/

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