Hello dear readers! Today, without our beloved smartphones, nowhere, even, sometimes raising and educating children, we trust gadgets. All these reflections are connected with the fact that today the review is devoted to the application for iPhone “Fairy tales for smart kids”, which should appeal to mothers and children. In fact, the application is quite simple and is a mobile library of children's books. And at the very first launch of the application, the book “The Ugly Duckling” is available to you for free 🙂 Let's update this story in memory.
By the way, please note that the story has already been translated into 4 languages: English, Russian, German and French.
This is a classic book, there is no audiobook mode in the app.
Have you read it? 🙂 – I hasten to please that you will not be able to turn the page until you answer the question or complete the task under the text 🙂
The idea, you see, is very good. For example, let's take the first task – you need to drag the egg. As you can see, the design of the app, like the shopping idea, is very simple. Only 2 positions: “my books” and “catalog” – respectively, if you want to buy a book, go to the catalog and choose. True, so far only 2 books are available in the catalog (“Cinderella” and “Puss in Boots”), at a price of 66 rubles per story …
By and large, this is all that can be said about the application. The idea, I repeat, is very, very good, and additional books will appear soon.