If you want to set a new ringtone to your iPhone, then you should definitely pay attention to the FoneTones Ringtone Maker app. In order to create a new sample that will be used as a ringtone, you just need to pay $ 0.99 for one song using the online service, or download the application and create any number of ringtones from the songs that are in your iPod library. Application features: – Access to iPod music library; – Ability to set the start and end time of the sample; – Storing the history of the created ringtones; – View album cover when creating a sample; – Step by step instructions for using the application.
Create a ringtone: – Press the '+' button to select a song from your iPod library; – Click 'play' to start playing the song, then click 'Start' to determine the beginning of the ringtone; – Press 'Stop' to determine the end of the ringtone; – Click the 'Create Ringtone' button; – That's all. Your ringtone is ready! The application requires iPhone 3GS and later models with operating system iOS 4 and later for the application to work correctly. You can download FoneTones Ringtone Maker from the AppStore ($ 0.99).