Now in the mobile market, there are two main giants that own online stores, namely Apple with its iTunes Store and Google, which has a Play Market. Both of these stores sell mobile apps, music, books and films. In turn, content from the Cupertin online store can only be purchased by owners of apple products, but Google, on the contrary, is trying to promote its services to all platforms. Recently the Google Play Music program was released in the AppStore, but today is the time for Google Play Movies and TV.
This program will be useful primarily for those who already own Android devices, but also iOS – a device on which they can view purchased content in the Play Market. The convenience of this service is that you buy a movie once, while you can have access to it from all over the world, where there is access to the Internet, due to the fact that the necessary video content is stored in the cloud on servers Google.
But this program also has its drawbacks, for example, that from the application itself Google Play it will not be possible to buy movies or TV shows. This can only be done through the official website This inconvenience is most likely due to the fact that if Google built in-app purchases into its application, then she would have to share thirty percent with Apple, and since they are competitors, then do not will be.
As in the iTunes Store, you can rent any movie in Google Play, then its cost can be significantly lower than the price of the movie. Also, most of the films in the store are available in HD quality, and their cost is 199-349 rubles, while you can rent it for 49-99 rubles. Thus, Google Play is gaining more and more popularity, and its entry to the platform iOS only strengthens its position Google on mobile platforms.