The most interesting option in the program is wine label recognition. Take aim, take a picture and see what kind of brand it is. Who is the manufacturer, what years are successful and the average price. It helps a lot of irregular connoisseurs when buying a bottle, another in the store. If you, like me, are trying to figure out the intricacies of winemaking on your own, this app for iPhone will not be superfluous. Moreover, it is free.
True, the recognition option itself is paid. Sold in packages. Works good. If you get a high-quality picture, then the application is almost guaranteed to show the result. We do not consider Soviet champagne and Arbatskoye. Well, if you don't want to pay at all, then there is a simple text search option. The truth is more complicated here – sometimes you don't know what to enter. The label may indicate the name of the wine and the wine house or simply the region.
In addition to searching by name, you can ask the program to match wine to a specific occasion or specific dishes. Here, the app acts as a sommelier, recommending wines for different products. It will also help you find a replacement and a wine that is close to your taste. Well, there is plenty of information to read about each bottle. So on top of that, it is also a guide and encyclopedia of wine. The truth is, everything is only in English. Well, when they have already made barcodes for alcohol;) Install from AppStore