Today I propose to pay attention to the application for iPhone 'AyPopal' distributed in App Store for free. This application will be very useful to all motorists, and why, let's figure it out. There is hardly a driver who has never paid a fine. Agree that it is very inconvenient: to go or go to the bank, stand in line there, and so on … Fortunately, now you can forget about it with the 'IPopal' application. Thanks to this application, you can not only find out about the presence or absence of a fine, but also pay it using your bank card and mobile phone, without leaving your home, so to speak. In order to check whether you have a “sin”, you must enter your driver's license number, as well as the number of the registration certificate.
As soon as the data is entered, your attention is presented with a complete list of paid and unpaid fines that you are 'charged'. All information about fines is downloaded from the traffic police bases in Russia, Moscow and the Moscow region – not a small database is obtained. There is one unpleasant moment here, the whole point is that the data is updated with a slight delay (but sometimes it can reach 2-3 weeks), so do not be alarmed if the paid fine is displayed as active. But you shouldn't breathe a sigh of relief if you know that there should be a fine, but it is not yet in the database.
To pay the fine, go to the 'payment' section and enter the details of your bank card there. Just don't forget to check your payment details.
After payment, you are 'issued' a kind of check, which is a confirmation of payment, so you should take it seriously so that in case of force majeure you do not have to pay again. Better to send a check to your mail and print it out.
That's all, good luck on the road!