Hello! I often edit texts. I write, check, save, alter, spread, while everything happens from different devices: from a full-fledged computer to an ordinary smartphone. And, it would seem: it will never be more convenient to work with text on a mobile device than on a full-fledged desktop. And I agree with that, but you can make the work on your iPhone and iPad as convenient as possible, and that's what I'll tell you about today. So, hang on: iA Writer.
You can download this application for 379 rubles in the AppStore. Having entered the main screen, we will see only a blank sheet and several buttons at the top of the screen.
The first is Library. It shows every article ever written. You can immediately create a new document and a new folder.
Until we got far, let's see what's in the settings. Here you can choose by what criterion to sort the files, choose what will be the focus: a sentence or a paragraph, choose whether to show Footer and Header, perform a few more manipulations with the text, and what we are interested in is connecting iA Writer to services.
iA Writer can be connected to Medium, WordPress and Dropbox, you can synchronize your notes with these services directly from the application, as well as iCloud.
Next is the File button. Here you can create a new one, open an existing one, import, rename, print, share and convert to HTML, PDF and DOCX format. Next – Edit. This is already working with text: return, repeat, find, replace, select everything, copy everything.
Well, in the view button, you can choose what exactly to show you (there is even the ability to sort by parts of speech) and turn on night mode. Nearby, you can choose what to show – the number of paragraphs, words, or the time to read the text.
And the last button is to view the written material. All you can do with the text is to set headings (H1 – H6), insert hyperlinks and make the text bold, italic, underlined, strikethrough, and other simple things. But I don't think much more is needed on a mobile device.
Well, that's all. I think that the application is very usable, and if you are the author of articles on the site, or are connected in any way with the text (the same programmer, and write the code), then I recommend this particular application, it impresses with its simplicity.