Sometimes, looking in your wallet or at the ATM screen, you just want to ask 'Where is my money going?' To take control of your expenses and income, to figure out what you can save on and plan your budget wisely, try the 'iHomemoney' app. 'iHomemoney' is a mobile add-on for online home accounting Register in the system and synchronize your i-application with the Homemoney service. Now, as soon as you bought something, immediately make an entry in 'iHomemoney'. To do this, you can create several accounts, for example, 'Cash', 'Savings', 'Salary', 'Additional'. Add the number of pay items you want with any names, for example, 'Petrol', 'Entertainment', 'Mobile Communication', 'AppStore'. How you bought what – write down, indicating the date of purchase, category of expense, amount, currency, account from which the money is debited.
A note can describe the purchase or leave a warning comment to yourself. The application displays your total current balance, as well as the amounts on all accounts and a list of recent transactions. You can add expense and income records, and transfer amounts from account to account. All this is easily done without the need for an internet connection.
Periodically synchronize 'iHomemoney' with the online service, because on the site you can get detailed statistics on all your financial transactions, how much you earned and how much you spent, set up charts and charts for any period, analyze the budget, find records of specific purchases, plan in advance what then spending or income. Here you can add and edit accounts and categories. The only thing that is lacking is the ability to create accounts by the type of deposits in order to take into account the accruing interest as well. In the free version of 'iHomemoney' you can create only 10 categories of expenses, use one currency and three accounts. The rest of the functions are available in full. If you need many more pay items, then use the paid version of the application with a monthly fee of $ 1 per month. 'iHomemoney' is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch on iOS 3.0 and higher. Install from AppStore