Installing programs via .ipa files, continued

Options for how to install the program downloaded .ipa file.

1. Via iTunes. How to do this, you can read in detail here. In principle, everything is simple, but for this you need to first prepare iPhone. And for some it causes difficulties.

2. Via AppShare. It is enough to install Installous and you can download files directly from sites. As in the native AppStore. The plus is that there is no need to trick with MobileInstallation, the program makes all the necessary changes itself.

There is, however, one significant drawback. Download speed. If the file is large, such as Payback 219 mb, then it's tiring to sit and wait until all this is downloaded via wi-fi. In this case, the telephone, as a telephone, cannot be used. The transmission will be interrupted and the process will have to start over.

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Therefore, lately I have been using this method.

3. I already have Installous installed.

I download the .ipa file to the computer. Then I connect it to it with a cable iPhone.

I open the file manager iPhone Folders and transfer the downloaded .ipa file to the folder on the phone / var / mobile / Documents / installous / Downloads / (for firmware 5.x.x)

Now I launch Installous. Downloads tab, I find my file there. Click on it and install it.

If you have Yandex.Disk installed, then here's another way to upload ipa to iPhone (last paragraph).

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