The need for this program will be faced by everyone who travels outside the city and cannot imagine life in nature without a laptop and the Internet. In principle, there is a way out, you can buy a USB modem from one of the cellular operators and connect it to a computer to enjoy civilization. However, prices per megabyte of traffic are not encouraging. At the same time, there are wonderful unlimited tariffs, such as “Apple Fresh”, but you can't plug a SIM card into the modem, and the mobile operator limited the ability to use GPRS, as written in a footnote to the contract, only in a mobile device iPhone This program is designed for generations of iphone, iphone 3G and iphone 3GS. Starting from iPhone 4 in the smartphone it became possible to enable the iphone modem mode directly in the settings. Here's the output: program iPhone Modem. What we get. The program will create a gateway between cellular communication and a computer, between civilization and you. iPhone how a modem becomes a wireless wi-fi access point for a laptop. And it makes it possible to use gprs phone traffic on the computer. What you need for this: First, you need to install the application to iPhone. Install from Cydia Then install the client program on your computer. You can download it for free from the developer's website Further, in theory, everything is simple. We run both programs, no matter in what order. To iPhone. There are no settings, just press the button in everything. The icons on the screen iPhone show the progress of the GPRS and Wi-fi connection. Downloaded traffic is shown below.
Almost similar program interface on a computer. Only the connection to the wi-fi network is shown here.
If there are no problems with the connections, then open the browser and enjoy the Internet.
Probable difficulties
The program on the computer creates a connection called “iPhone Modem”, and if there is no other wi-fi network nearby, then iPhone happily clings to it and everything works as it should. However, if the phone has already established a connection to another network, then the program issues a warning and asks to change the connection in the settings. Another possible nuisance. Lack of GPRS connection. This happened to me during the installation and removal of a huge number of different programs and firmware. You can fix it using the BossPrefs program, which you can install from Cydia absolutely free. In the settings, you will need to enable EDGE. Installed from Cydia or Icy