More and more people are starting to monitor their diet, weight, physical condition and, of course, health. This means that the popularity of various fitness apps and calorie counters is growing. One of such services will be discussed now.
Lifesum is, according to the developers, a personal guide to a healthy lifestyle. In fact, this is a calorie counter that is able to select an individual meal plan for the user, depending on preferences, physiological data and goals. And there can be three goals – to lose weight, gain weight and improve health. You will have to choose one of these goals during registration. Then you need to indicate gender, age, height, current weight and desired weight, as well as the time in which you plan to reach the goal. After you take a short test, the program will be able to choose the diet that suits you best. The application also contains many recipes for healthy dishes.

In Lifesum, you are encouraged to keep a diary, indicating daily what and how much you ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The program itself will calculate the calorie content and the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates of the dishes. The application contains a large database of products and dishes, the search for which is simple and straightforward. And the handy built-in barcode scanner lets you scan the foods you are about to buy or eat.

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In addition to a personalized meal plan, Lifesum users will receive tips for more successful workouts, motivation to achieve goals, and visualization of progress. The app is integrated into HealthKit, so you can export your food and water consumption from Lifesum to HealthKit, and weight, steps taken and exercise metrics from HealthKit to Lifesum. And when you subscribe to Lifesum Premium, you get access to dedicated meal plans and the ability to sync with fitness programs such as Moves, Withings, FitBit, Jawbone, Endomondo, and Runkeeper.

In Lifesum, you can count not only calories consumed, but also spent. To do this, you just need to select an exercise and indicate the duration, for example, running on a treadmill.

And to prevent dehydration and overeating, you need to drink plenty of water. The amount of water you drink can also be monitored in Lifesum, thanks to the built-in customizable water tracker.

You can download the Lifesum app at App Store for free. However, you must subscribe to Lifesum Premium to access all features. A subscription for one month will cost 749 rubles, for three months – 1690 rubles, and for annual access you have to pay 3390 rubles. The program is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch on iOS 9 and higher.