Good day, dear reader! You are probably at a loss why OWA, that is, Outlook Web App from our dear and cool Microsoft, in the title of the article is gifted with the slogan “how not to …”? And everything is very simple, dear reader, and it is very good that you came to read this review in order to receive protection and warning from maintaining a good mood and a lot of nerve cells. Well, enough of the lyrics, let's start reviewing!
And Microsoft tried very hard. Only now she tried not for you and me, reader-user, but for herself. Let's start with at least the official things: OWA works ONLY if you have the Office 365 application installed on your phone (this time), it works ONLY with accounts that have an Office 365 business subscription (these are two), and the most interesting thing is that if you have , reader, the mail is located on the servers of everyone's favorite Google, that is, the address ends at @, then Microsoft makes a very simple spit right in your face.
Don't panic, I'll translate. Yes, yes, it says the following: “This program does not work with accounts ending in” How is it? Great, isn't it? And now we compile this case and get that to work in this miracle program, you and I, dear reader, must be psychics of the highest category, so that when buying a “very necessary” Office 365 subscription, we register as Microsoft ID is not a account, but which one is simpler. Well, okay, the cry from the heart written above, dear readers, was written because, in addition to indignation, it causes a lot of negativity and Microsoft scared off most users with these actions. This program once again confirms that Microsoft is definitely not a mobile application firm. Well, okay, thank God, you can choose a trial period before subscribing, and so be it, I registered another ID and entered the program.
And now we put a password on it and start working.
As we can see from the screenshots above, the program repeats the new Metro style Windows 8. And it just “splashes” with functionality: here you can even read mail, and the most important thing is to schedule appointments in the calendar. You can see how this is done in the screenshots.
… and no file attachments are provided (yes, no file can be attached to the letter, even if it is on its own SkyDrive service), no text formatting, and so on, in general, functions that no one needs, Yes.
Here's a masterpiece blinded from anything Microsoft. Actually, there are no more functions and there is nothing more to talk about. Results? Draw your own conclusions, but I strongly do not recommend it. Good luck!