No one will argue that augmented reality technology is promising. And it is promising not only in helmets and other devices of this type, but in absolutely all modern gadgets with displays. However, as soon as it “went to the masses” the developers began to saw applications of varying degrees of trashness, and all these “magic villages of the Smurfs” and “walks with dinosaurs” are already fed up with it. However, today I will tell you about a really worthwhile application, which, if it does not help in everyday life, will certainly make you and those around you smile. So, today let's talk about the MSQRD application, which recently was a small startup from Belarus, and not later, as the company bought it yesterday Facebook. By the way, Mark Zuckerberg even recorded a video message about this using MSQRD. As you already understood, thanks to the augmented reaction, the application “applies makeup” to the face in real time. So, download and install from the AppStore.
Once launched, we see a home screen with over 50 different character options. In the upper right corner you can change the camera, and in the lower corner you can select the mode: photo, or short video. The fact that the application can write a video message is also a huge plus.
In the upper left corner there is a “Menu” button, where you can share the application, write to the developers or visit their website, rate the application. Also, in the settings, you can activate notifications about new effects, which, by the way, are replenished regularly, and this is a huge plus compared to other applications of this type.
At the same time, the effects are quite trendy, i.e. added as they become popular. There is also an opportunity to report a copyright infringement, however, we are not very interested in this, so let's move on to the effects. As I said, there are more than 50 of them here. It's nice that the maxi are interactive – they will tell you when to open your mouth and when to blow a kiss.
After taking a photo or video message, “masterpieces” can be immediately shared. Both photos and videos are automatically saved to the album.
I think MSQRD is a great free app to help you and your friends smile. The only drawback is that the application puts a corporate hashtag on the photo, but if this does not bother you, then you can safely put it.