The famous SlovoEd dictionaries from Paragon Software Group have recently appeared.
An overview of the program and how to install it, see here.
For the Dictionary shell, you can install dictionary databases from versions for PocketPC.
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1. Download the required archive with the dictionary base
2. Open the folder where you will see files with the .prc extension
3. Copy and replace all these files to a folder on the Iphone using any manager (for example iPhone PCSuite), where the program is located (private / var / mobile / applications / a set of numbers and letters / slovoed. app)
4. Restart your phone
Dictionary bases:
- Deluxe version of En-Ru and Ru-En with a sound module for 20,000 words: http: // …
- Deluxe version of Ge-Ru and Ru-Ge with 20,000 word sound module: http: // …
- Deluxe version of It-R u and Ru-It with 20,000-word sound module: http: // …
- version of Sp-R u and Ru-Sp with a sound module for 20,000 words: http: // …
- Deluxe version of Fr-Ru and Ru-Fr with a 20,000-word sound module: