Hello! An additional keyboard is often needed – with a numeric block, or in general with specific characters. For example, here is an interesting use case: you are a musician, but there are no special keys on your computer / laptop. Then our today's application comes to the rescue – NumPad, which can be installed completely free of charge from the AppStore.
It turns your iPhone into an additional numeric keypad, arrows with the desired buttons, or even buttons for music programs, and wirelessly connects to computers based on MacOS, Windows and Linux. After installation, we find ourselves in a certain menu with a description of what the application can do. After scrolling it, we get to the main screen.
Numeric keypad with additional extended keys is available to the user without internal purchases.
For money, you can also buy keyboards for musicians, but I think there are not many of them among us, therefore, I will not talk about the capabilities of this keyboard.
I'll tell you better about the moment of connection. To understand how to connect the application (in my case to Windows PC), I needed to go to the settings. It turns out that you need to install the application on a PC, the computer and the i-device must be connected to the same WiFi network. In order for the pairing to take place, you must enter the computer's IP address and port into the application. The advantage of this method is its speed – the PC finds the “keyboard” very quickly.
In the settings we will find the connection parameters, the ability to change the application theme (Space Gray, Gold and Silver), sleep mode, auto-connect and sound options, support, information about the author of the application and the ability to purchase additional “musical” keyboards.
The delay between pressing and action is minimal. I think this is a really handy app for those who know why they need it.