How often, instead of writing down information, do you photograph it? Yes, constantly – it's faster and more convenient. But if then the phone number, address, name saved in this way still needs to be turned into text in order to save it to contacts or send a message, difficulties begin. Open a photo, remember a text, launch another application, oh, forgot a couple of phone numbers, reopen a photo … Phew. How awkward! And to make it convenient, the application for iPhone – PhotoText has been made. As soon as you open a photo with text in it, a line for typing text appears in the same window. In this case, the image can be moved, scaled, flipped. As soon as you have typed the text, a menu appears, where all the options for text processing are listed: copy to clipboard, create a calendar entry, save a contact, send an e-mail, etc. Scroll down the list of actions, not all fit on one screen.
PhotoText tries to guess what you want to do with the text you type from the photo. If you, for example, select the action “Open on Maps Google”, the application will immediately identify the typed text as an address and start searching.
This, of course, is not a text recognizer, but quite a handy tool for those who often take pictures of phone numbers, addresses, links and other useful information “for later.” App costs $ 0.99, compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad, requires iOS 4.3 or later. Install from AppStore