Pinterest can be translated as 'Get some cool'. The service is a board on which users pin everything that they find valuable, interesting, or just funny on the Internet: photos, articles, goods, media. All the riches of the network are sorted by categories: art, books and music, technology, eccentrics, etc. Now the iPnone version of the service has appeared.
By clicking on a post you like, you can see the author, leave a comment, mark as 'Like' or repin – put the post on your board too. You can also post to Facebook or Twitter.
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You can find a lot of cool things and useful ideas on the Internet. Surely you store 'hooked' links and files in folders 'miscellaneous', browser tabs and social networks. The new Pinterest service offers to collect all these finds in one place, to organize at least a little and make it possible to exchange with other users.
The social network Pinterest and its iphone version are specially designed for the network Plyushkins.
The user can make several thematic boards for himself in order to somehow sort everything that he wants to 'pin' in memory. Like Twitter, Pinterest has a system of followers and followers. To get them, you can first simply wander through random boards from different categories or flip through popular posts.
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