Hello dear readers! While everyone is eating New Year's salads, I suggest that you pay attention to the application for iPhone “Sand Flame”, a sort of, one might say, classic walker-shooter. So, I will not torment you for a long time with unnecessary reasoning, but I propose to go straight to the review. To begin with, choose one of three difficulty levels: easy, medium and hard.
Next, we choose our hero. At first, you are presented with only 4 characters, of which only one is available, the rest can be unlocked as you progress through the game.
The final stage of preparation is weapons. Then you need to look into the store, where you will find a decent selection of weapons, ranging from knives to super advanced rifles. At the start, you are given a small amount of money to buy weapons, but in the future you will have to earn money by successfully completing the levels.
You will need to go through several locations, so to speak, which are divided into peculiar levels.
At each level you will need to complete a series of missions in order to get funds for “pumping”, as well as in order to advance through the game.
According to the plot of the game, you are a character who is sent to the Far East to fight terrorists. First you have to go through a small training level, where you have to acquire skills in target shooting.
As we can see, the game is played from the third person, that is, you see your character and control him with the simulated joystick on the left and shoot with the button on the right.
As for the design of the game and graphics, then the developers have approached the issue in a very interesting way. First, we are dealing with a high quality 3D toy. Secondly, the game is made in the cubic style so popular today that it looks very funny. By the way, despite such an interesting approach, the application turned out to be very good, and the graphics are at a high level: the movements are smooth and realistic.