There are not so many really beautiful and realistic sports simulators with high-quality controls in App Store, but you can still find decent ones. Among them is the Snowboard Party, a simulator of one of the most colorful winter sports of snowboarding. The rating of the game in App Store leaves no one indifferent, so welcome to the world of snowboarding at iPhone and iPad.
Snowboard Party is a real “party” for lovers of beautiful and colorful sports: lots of snow, high speeds and a lot of unique tricks. The game is a fully 3D snowboard simulator, one of the best in its category. The picture in the game looks just great, the graphics are completely three-dimensional, the elements are worked out with sufficient quality to get the most out of the game. Landscapes and mountain trails look impressive, not only during the day, but also in soft night lighting.
If we talk about the interface, it is as simple and straightforward as possible, but only there is one small “BUT” – some design elements are too small and tapping on them on the screen iPhone is not entirely comfortable, but this is my fault. I left the gameplay for last on purpose, because it is he who is the hallmark of the Snowboard Party. In addition to several single game modes (freestyle, half-pipe, big-air), multiplayer is available, in which, if you have access to the Internet, you can compete in the skill of controlling the board with real players.
If you've never played a simulator like this, you will have to get used to a large number of controls, each of which is responsible for performing a particular movement. Be prepared for the fact that if you perform the wrong maneuver at the wrong time, the game will bury your character in the snow and precious points will be written off from you, which could bring you precious gaming experience. The accumulated gaming experience can be used to improve the rider's skills: speed, balance, air, rotation. The more experienced rider you have, the more opportunities open up for you and the better the character will be controlled. In addition to skills, experience can be spent on the purchase of special equipment and new boards, which, by the way, also have their own advantages that complement the general skills of the rider.
In order to master a new track, you need to gain enough experience points to unlock it. You can accumulate experience with each new attempt, or you can buy it in the store, it is not cheap, but for the most impatient it is not an option ?! You can control the rider in several modes: a virtual joystick and a joystick-accelerometer combination. With the first mode, everything is clear, control is carried out using virtual buttons. The second mode uses the accelerometer and allows you to control acceleration, deceleration and turns by tilting the device in the appropriate direction. Feints are performed using buttons.
In conclusion, I would like to note that the guys from Ratrod Studio, from whose hands Hockey Fight and Mike V: Skateboard Party came out, turned out to be decent. The shell, physics, gameplay, controls – everything in the game is implemented at the highest level, as evidenced by the cumulative rating of the Snowboard Party in App Store, which is almost a full 5 stars. Yes, the game is not free, although it is not expensive, it still costs money (123.99 rubles), includes in-game purchases (this is for the impatient), but it's not a shame to support such a project with a coin. The app is already in the shared account.