Text Noter app is a simple solution to create text notes and sync them between iPhone / iPad / iPod via iCloud service.
On first launch, the program asks if you are going to transfer notes to other iOS devices via the cloud service. Press 'Yes', because this function is the main charm of the program. Now Text Noter asks if you are already using it on other devices and checks for notes in the 'cloud' to sync immediately. If you are using the application for the first time, no notes will arrive from the 'cloud' yet.
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When you create a note, you can write a title for it. A note can be quickly sent by SMS, e-mail, copied the entire text to the clipboard, or even printed (if you have printers with wi-fi). The 'Information' button shows the note size, title, creation date and last modified date – data that, perhaps, will be important just when you often edit the same notes on different devices iOS. You can also set a password for notes in the application settings.
As soon as the work with the note is finished, thanks to the cloud service iCloud it immediately goes to all your other devices. If you uninstall the app from your iPhone or iPad and then want to install it again, all previously created notes will be downloaded from the cloud storage.
In the Text Noter Pro version, you can change the operating mode of the application – if necessary, disable synchronization via iCloud.
Text Noter is supported on iPhone 3GS / 4 / 4S, iPod touch 3rd and 4th generation, iPad, required iOS – 5.0 and up. And of course, you must have iCloud enabled. The app is still free, and the Pro version costs only $ 0.99
Install from AppStore