Hello dear readers! Today we are going to talk about the new toy from SEGA (yes, yes) “The Cave”. Fans of computer games are already familiar with this application. But, just the other day, The Cave joined the ranks of mobile applications! The Cave is a mixture of genres, here you will find both the hallmarks of a classic arcade and something of a quest.
The character of the game is, frankly speaking, not joyful, but rather even gloomy and cold. The design, as you understand, corresponds to the nature of the application and there is no need to wait for bright colors, but the whole game is made, albeit in dark, but in tones perfectly combined with each other. But the graphics are really able to please the user with their softness and clarity.
It should also be noted the unusual, but still protracted beginning of the application.
Of course, the idea that the camera slowly descends on the characters and you, bypassing all possible menus, immediately start playing, is an excellent solution, but in this case it is even a little annoying.
The whole action takes more than a minute and all this time, personally, I did not leave the desire to quickly lower the camera by any means.
And then, a miracle happened, the camera went down and in front of you seven different characters, each with its own story, and each belongs to a special class or era. All the characters have a common goal – to go down into the cave. We choose a character and start playing. How? – just run forward!
What, stuck? – not surprising, because one character is not realistic to go through a toy. You need to recruit your team of three characters (if you choose twins, there will be four characters) and alternately switching characters all together move forward.
As you progress through the game, you will have to strain your logic more than once, otherwise you will get stuck in place. But, do not despair, sometimes the game will prompt you.
In general, the toy is very good and interesting. Charging, however, does not hesitate to “eat”, but this is not so essential for a game of this scale!
What else can you say about the game for 169 rubles? Perhaps, only that, despite minor flaws, it fully justifies its price! The game is available in a shared account.