The Impossible Game – Pass If You Can

The Impossible Game - Pass If You Can Today we will talk about the application for iPhone, which will not leave you indifferent, about the famous “The Impossible Game”. You will love this game, admire it, hate it … but still play it. Here you need to have nerves of steel. The Impossible Game - Pass If You Can You play with a small square that rolls forward and on the way of which every now and then there are various obstacles that you need to jump over. It would seem that it’s difficult – roll yourself and jump over obstacles. But it was not there! These very obstacles are not so easy to overcome if you do not have an ultra-fast reaction and an excellent sense of rhythm. The Impossible Game - Pass If You Can Ask where does the “sense of rhythm”? Despite the fact that if you play with sound, you will notice that before each obstacle, the already dynamic music becomes even faster and various effects are added. The Impossible Game - Pass If You Can In the course of the game, you can place flags, such a kind of “Check Point”, in case you lose. Only now you need to place these very flags wisely (away from the next obstacle so that you have time to react), otherwise you will only complicate your game. The Impossible Game - Pass If You Can As you can imagine, the main goal is to hold out as long as possible and reach the end of the level, which seems impossible in principle. The slightest mistake and … the game starts over. No wonder the game got this name. The Impossible Game - Pass If You Can As for the controls, all you have to do is tap the screen when you need to jump. But even this seems to be an impossible task already at 10 seconds of the game. The game is just as different in its painted design as it is to say “simple and tasteful”. In the end, there must be at least something simple here 🙂 In conclusion, I note that the game evokes so many emotions that you definitely won't be able to remain calm! Try it, without exaggeration, a brilliant game! VIDEO

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