New Years are approaching and many would like to spend winter holidays in other countries. The “Turstanok” application can be a good helper for you. The program will find the most advantageous offers for tours in the direction of interest. For a quick search, it is not necessary to enter flight dates, hotel stars and fill in other fields. It is enough to set only the city of departure, and immediately receive all available offers. For a detailed search, the following search criteria are available: country, price, departure date, tour duration, hotel stardom, meals. The search list can be sorted by cost, departure date and newness.
Information on the tour contains a description of the tour itself, what is included in it (air flight, meals, transfer, insurance). In addition, the hotel itself is described in great detail. You can see the description of the hotel, its photos, rating. The “Reviews” tab is very useful, where you can read the opinions of tourists who had a rest here. This allows you to get an impression of this place from the outside. Each hotel has a list of tours by arrival date. You can choose a time convenient for you.
In addition to online search, you can set up subscriptions to the directions you are interested in. Track new offers by asking the destinations you are interested in. This way you will not miss new interesting offers.
You can order a tour in the traditional way, by calling the nearest office, or you can arrange a tour online, right from the gadget. In this case, a visit to the office is not required. You pay for the selected tour by VISA or MasterCard, or by bank transfer or even electronic money. And then you meet with a company employee only at the airport.
Have a nice rest! Install from AppStore