The app for iPhone 'Viber' is a way to be in touch always and, most importantly, for FREE! The main function of the application is the availability of free communication with people from the smartphone's address book. Viber was initially launched on iPhone in December 2010. Now the program has hundreds of thousands of users and is constantly evolving. It can be considered another replacement option Skype and WhatsApp. When you first turn on the application, a greeting appears, which briefly explains the functionality of the application and its version at the moment.
Next, you should enter your phone number. This will be your registration in the application. It is worth noting that this is completely anonymous and is only needed so that in the future your friends can find you through their same installed application. At the identification stage, the program offers to synchronize with your contacts, thus it will immediately show which of them also has this program installed. This is extremely convenient compared to the same Skype, where you have to go through the registration procedure, and only then ask each friend what your login is in order to find yourself in the program and call you. The interface of the entire program is made extremely well and evokes only positive emotions. There are five tabs available in the application, and each of them has its own functionality.
This menu item shows the details of our account. Here you can add an avatar and integrate with Facebook. In the settings, you can save and send the message history as a separate file. You can also delete it.
Tells you when someone you know will start using Viber on their device. This way you can always know which of your contacts is using this program. And, most importantly, you don't have to constantly update this list.
Reminds of a native keyboard iPhone. Here you can dial any number, just like on a regular handset.
It is worth noting that if you start dialing the number of a person that you do not have in Vibir's contacts, then the program will warn you that a regular call is being made to the subscriber, who will be paid at the rates of your telecom operator.
One of the most important tabs in this program, and perhaps the most important. All those contacts of yours who have already installed the Viber program are displayed here. You can always contact them by calling or sending a message with an image. And yet, of course, absolutely free. Calls and messages are made over the Internet. For communication, EDGE Internet and higher will be enough, and for a high-quality conversation on a smartphone, a 3G Internet connection will be enough. With the current prevalence of 3G, this is quite convenient. There is also an 'All' button above. All your contacts in the notebook are displayed there, and you can call or send a message directly from the program. Recent tab: All your recent calls and those that were missed are displayed here.
Here you can create and send any message to the Viber user. Also, all incoming messages from your friends will be displayed here. Conclusions. This application can be advised without exception to everyone! And everyone will find a use for themselves, especially all the alternatives that Apple Store offers us, often either paid or not as functional as it is.