Getting ready for the holidays? What will you drink? This application for iphone – Vivino Wine Scanner is dedicated to everyone who prefers more refined drinks to “Soviet” champagne. We came to the store to select wine, take out your smartphone, launch the application and take a picture of the bottle label. In a few seconds, the program will give out all the information known about him with real assessments of lovers of the drink of the gods …
Vivino Wine Scanner is an online wine bottle and wine list scanner. The program works simply, quickly and, most importantly, high-quality: take a photo of a label on a bottle of wine or a wine list in a restaurant (or load an image previously saved to a film) and after a few seconds Vivino Wine Scanner will display all known information about the object of research: by whom and where it is made, from what grape varieties, history of the drink, cumulative rating, places nearby where you can buy it.
It is not necessary to register to work in the application, but it is advisable if you plan to use it constantly (if you have an account, the program will save the history of your actions). In addition, there is a social network for those registered here. You can subscribe to tastings of other users and share your own thoughts about what you have drunk.
The interface is familiar, modern and pleasant. Even a child will not get lost within three walls, but he certainly does not need a Vivino Wine Scanner. It is a pity that the program is available in all popular languages, except Russian. There is a lot of text in the description of wines, so those who read with a dictionary may have problems with the language. The program can recognize labels from bottles one by one or several at once, and also processes wine lists (wine lists).
The scanner works quickly and without errors, another thing is that not everything knows domestic wines, but only those that are sold abroad. For example, he knows Ukrainian wines, which are made in Koblevo (already something!).
I don't think that Vivino Wine Scanner will conquer the TOP App Store due to its specificity, but it will be useful to all lovers of the drink of the gods. The program is distributed free of charge, does not contain ads, but offers a paid subscription to premium access with ratings from professional critics, storing information in a personal 'wine cellar' and a personal wine guide.