The official version of the mega cards. For those who are not in the know, Wikimapia is an open-source mapping service that aims to describe all geographic features on our planet. And they do it! Here you can find information on the world around you, right up to residential new buildings and playgrounds. Today, more than 22 million objects are designated on Wikimapia. Most of them are provided with photographs, others are waiting in the wings … We have recently written about a similar application WikiPlaces. But Wikimapia differs from this program for the better. There are no ads and there is a rubricator by objects. Each Wikimapia user can add one or more photos to the selected object on the map Google, give his own description, edit an existing one or leave a comment. However, this principle of adding information, based on trust, inevitably leads to inaccuracies. Thus, the fire station No. 337 in the city of Zheleznodorozhny, Moscow Region, is provided with two photographs, the first of which shows the Central Naval Clinical Hospital No. 32. The error was immediately recorded by a certain Sergei who left a comment below. In the comments to the objects, you can read a lot of useful and interesting information, mixed with just greetings. The application loads very quickly, finding yourself on the map is also not difficult and does not take time. There is a search by category: shops, restaurants, attractions, parks, hotels, museums, hospitals, gas stations and banks. It is also easy to find an object by name in the search bar.