Loren Brichter's Letterpress is played by millions of people around the world. The famous mobile hit has only one drawback – a kind of 'discrimination' against Russian gamers. The authors of Letterpress have officially announced that they will not make a Russian-language version of the game. Therefore, the lot of the Russian audience of the game is to be the whipping boys for the British, Americans, French, Germans. Whatever one may say, but with our 'average' knowledge of foreign languages, it is almost impossible to beat native speakers. It's a shame for the state!
The Russian development team took this issue seriously and restored the 'national pride' of Russian-speaking gamers. Now we have our own, Russian, Letterpress. It's called Word for Word and is available for download at App Store.
The game attracts with its ingenious simplicity. Two are playing. The enemy can be invited from the list of friends or chosen at random. There are 25 letters on the playing field. Words must be composed of them. The letters are divided into three groups by color. A free letter is worth one point. 'Alien' brings one point and removes one point from the opponent. The 'own' letter does not bring points. The game ends when all letters of the playing field are used to form words. The winner is the one with the most points.
Despite the simplicity, the game is exciting. It is not so easy to build a winning strategy. An advantage of 5 or even 10 points does not mean that you will win. Experienced players try to form words from the letters of the enemy and hold on to the most “weighty” words until the turning point of the game. It is necessary to monitor the game score and calculate the possible options of the enemy. Otherwise, in the final, your victory may suddenly slip away! According to those who played both the original and the Russian version of the game, “Word for word is the same Letterpress, only better.” Everything is clearer, everything works faster. You can choose different color schemes. Unlike many word games, the letters are chosen not “randomly”, but in accordance with the frequency of use in the words of the Russian language. There are no cases when five soft signs or 22 consonants and only 3 vowels appear on the playing field in Word for word. Therefore, playing is a pleasure. Many words can be composed. Words are easy to form. And, most importantly, the game is on an equal footing, there is no head start of a native speaker.
In the free version, Word for Word, you can play 3 games at once. If your opponents are unhurried people, you can wait up to 2 weeks for a response. Therefore, it is better to immediately update the game to the full version. The full version costs 66 rubles, there are no restrictions on the number of simultaneous fights. New releases Word for word for iPhone and iPad will be released in June. The 'classic' version of the game will be preserved and a blitz version with a time limit per move will appear – for the most adventurous gamers. It will become even more interesting and convenient to play. A game chat and a notepad will appear for recording the words that the player came up with, but set aside to 'surprise' the enemy. According to information from the developers of the best players of the full version of Word for Word, prizes await soon. These will not be your usual baseball caps and T-shirts, but something more serious, possibly iPhon and iPad.