Recently, the popularity of audiobooks has been growing. It is convenient to look around, and iPhone reads a literary work in a pleasant voice. The authors of the 'Your Audio Guides' app tried to create an audio tour in this format for independent travelers. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the application for iPhone, which will allow you to make excursions while listening to your personal guide. The audio guide can be listened to in three languages. Russian, English and Czech. Let's start, of course, with the Russian language, in which excursions to the following cities are available: Moscow, London, Rome, Milan, Florence, Istanbul, Kiev, Paris, Prague. We choose the very center of the capital of Russia – a tour of Kitai-Gorod.
As decent tourists, we read the description of the excursion and stumble upon the following phrase: 'Somewhere in the interweaving of alleys with the old names Vetoshny, Khrustalny, Rybny, the last temple of the Ilyinsky monastery is lost.' Why he got lost, is it possible to find him, and other questions arising during the excursion, the audio guide, of course, will not answer, but sorry. We open the map with the route. Everything here is laconic and clear. The beginning of the route, movement along the route. Headphones indicate places where you should stop, look around and listen to the text.
To understand which monument is being spoken about, you can open a photo in the application and compare whether you are looking there.
Information can be both read and listened to. When setting up a bluetooth headset, an incomprehensible bug came out. The headphones went off-hook, which significantly degraded the sound quality. Everything works fine with a wired headset. The voices of the guides and the manner of reading them are not for everybody.
The application is convenient for those who get tired. Having looked at the route, you can 'cut' part of the path, and still be at the desired listening point. By swiping 'right', you can immediately see the sights that will be touched upon during the tour.
The developers have posted 2 tours in foreign languages. And if, a short sightseeing tour of London in English can still be understood, then the tour in Czech surprised me greatly. It is suggested to hear about the museum in the town of Letti, where gypsies were interned in 1942-1943. The excursion itself takes place in a small town 70 km from Prague and overlooks an area with stones of about 200 meters. In general, the application turned out to be quite interesting, and the idea of the authors is worthy of respect. I would like to hope that the authors will adequately accept the criticism and improve the technical, textual and, most importantly, thematic parts of the application.