The main question that tormented developers, bloggers and users before the release of the 2018 software from Apple is whether the new platform will slow down the smartphone or not. So far, the expectations of optimists have been justified, while skeptics continue to look for hidden flaws in the new OS. Let's look at the example iPhone 7 – is it worth upgrading to iOS 12.

When iOS 12 comes out on iPhone 7 and 7 Plus
Traditionally, 3 months before the official release, the company launched beta versions of the platform. Already the first, raw versions pleasantly surprised the testing people. Today it is difficult to find an author who would give a negative characterization iOS 12. Oh, yes! It happened, Apple finally created software that does not glitch and does not turn the smartphone into a useless brick.
The exact date when iOS 12 will be released on the iPhone 7 has yet to be announced. Presumably mid or second half of September. The usual for the company Apple the time of big announcements. Now curious users can download one of the beta versions, as of August there are already 12 of them.
Confrontation iOS 12 and iOS 11
Only a head-on collision at all central points will give an answer about the advisability of installing a new firmware:
- In iOS 12 iPhone 7 beta 1, the animation works NOT less fast, even a little faster, in the final version an even more tangible progression is possible.
- The speed of response to pressing the button “Home”, the twelfth software instantly copes, by a split second ahead of the eleventh.
- No lags were recorded on iOS 12 iPhone 7 beta 1, 2, 3, everything functions smoothly, without delays.

I was surprised by the download speed of the YouTube application and the fast scrolling. In the first beta version, the browser opened slightly worse, but in subsequent versions this was fixed.
How to update iPhone?
interesting 6.1-inch iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro will go on sale first Now officially: announcement of iPhone 12 will take place in a week
Testing of iOS 12 on iPhone 7 began in the summer, when beta 1 became available on iTunes. In the first months, professional developers tested the platform, identified bugs and reported conclusions to the company. If desired, ordinary users can do the same work.
Instructions on how to upgrade iPhone 7 to iOS 12:
- Make a backup in “Settings”. If you don't like iOS 12, return to your usual platform without losing information.
- The link to the developer's profile can be found on the website, here it is freely available without registration.
- After downloading, restart your smartphone.
- In the “Settings” find the software tab and select the beta version.
Do not forget to uninstall the old OS, otherwise the two options iOS will collide and cause the smartphone to malfunction.
How to rollback from iOS 12 to iOS 11
Deciding whether to update or not is not only about the need for innovation. “Chips” on the seven are already there. It all depends on the user's desire to speed up the smartphone, and get goodies from Apple.
If the “raw” versions are not for you, return the usual software. How to roll back from iPhone 7 from iOS 12 to iOS 11 using a clean install:
- Find the firmware for a specific model. Choose sites recommended by the developer or bloggers.
- Turn off the “Find iPhone” function, otherwise iTunes will not let you complete the procedure.
- Connect your smartphone to your computer.
- In the iTunes app, find your device.
- The “Overview” tab will come out, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard.
- Find the downloaded firmware file in the “Downloads” folder.
- We press the button “Restore”.

During the process, do not disconnect the smartphone from the computer. Contacts, photos, videos and other materials will be saved if a backup was made in advance. Forgot? Better not to risk waiting for the updated software to appear. You can make a backup of the OS through iCloud or iTunes.