An alarm clock in your phone is an important and useful function that helps you not to clutter up the space with a nasty 'chirping' Chinese clock. The mobile device wakes up at the set time or reminds of the event. Instead of a standard trill, it is possible to install pleasant birdsong, an encouraging or just your favorite melody. Another possibility of the alarm clock is to adjust the volume level, because the iPhone speakers sometimes play the set sound too loudly. Therefore, Apple users are interested in how to change the alarm volume to iPhone.

How to change the volume
The iPhone app called 'Clock' allows you to use your smartphone as an alarm clock. The program is also equipped with a function to adjust the volume of the melody playback. Below is an instruction on how to set the alarm volume to iPhone:
- open the menu and go to the 'Settings' section;
- click on the item 'Sounds, tactile signals';
- select the section 'Call and alerts';
- move the slider to the left to decrease the volume, or to the right to increase;
- save the selected settings.
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Also, Apple smartphones support adjusting the volume of the alarm sound using the side buttons. To do this, the device settings provide for the activation of the 'Change with buttons' function. If the functionality of the phone does not suit you, but you do not like the 'Clock' application, you can download a third-party program to set the alarm clock in the AppStore. Such applications are distinguished by increased capabilities – a set of beautiful melodies, a timer, a stopwatch, and work with world time. The alarm volume is changed directly in the application settings.

How to turn off the alarm sound
Also, the operating system allows you to completely turn off the alarm sound. A sharp signal in the morning shocks the body, besides, the “Jericho Trumpet” is able to wake up family members. It is inconvenient if you have to get up to work at five in the morning, and the household only at seven. Now how to make an alarm clock on an iPhone quieter – software functionality is provided for this. When the sound is triggered, there will be no sound, the phone will begin to gently vibrate – sometimes this is enough to wake up.
- Open the Clock app.
- Select the alarm you want to mute.
- Click on 'Change'.
- Go to the 'Sound' section.
- Scroll to the bottom of the ringtone list and check the box next to 'Not selected'.
- Return to the top of the list and click on the 'Vibration' item.
- Set a suitable vibration rate, then press the Back button.
- Confirm your selection by clicking the 'Save' button.
In outdated versions iOS there is no such functionality, but users install a music file with silence as a ringtone. The effect is the same – the melody will not be played, and the phone will only vibrate. There will be no difficulties with setting the alarm sound, the friendly iOS provides the user with prompts.