Smartphones Apple are expensive, and cybercriminals are often tempted to make money by stealing a device or wanting to steal a popular gadget for themselves. Besides, you can easily lose your iPhone. To make the phone useless to the thief and prevent personal information from falling into the wrong hands, the company Apple offers several ways to remotely lock an iPhone. In addition, you can use third-party applications. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to block an iPhone if it is stolen or lost.

Find iPhone function
Before you lock your lost iPhone, try to see where it is. To do this, in all devices Apple (starting from the seventh iOS) the option 'Find iPhone' has appeared. By default, the option is enabled, and to track your smartphone on the map, you need to allow the program to use geolocation in the settings. The steps to track your phone are as follows:
- launch the application 'Find iPhone' from another iPhone or iPad, or open the address '' on any PC;
- sign in to your account Apple ID;
- select the missing iPhone from the list.

If the iPhone is turned on and has access to geolocation, the map will immediately display the current coordinates of the smartphone. When he is nearby, using the application, you can turn on the sound signal (especially useful if the phone is lost somewhere in the house). Remote locking of the iPhone or forced erasure of information is also available.

Blocking iPhone
To make life difficult for an intruder and prevent access to personal information, remotely set a password on the device. This action will not only lock the screen, but also display arbitrary text and the owner's contact phone number, which will increase the chances of returning the gadget. You can block an iPhone via icloud from a computer, another iPhone, and even from a device to Android.
Blocking by standard means of iOs
If you have not disabled the 'Find iPhone' option, then blocking will not take much time. It is enough to press the special button 'Lost Mode' in the program. The program will prompt you to type the lock password, enter the text that will be displayed on the screen, and specify the phone number to contact the owner. You can perform these steps from any device connected to the Internet. This algorithm of actions in the program is the same, the differences relate to how to run this utility.

Block iPhone via iCloud from computer
To use the 'Find iPhone' function from any computer (PC or Mac), just go to the website and go through the authorization with the Apple ID to which the missing iPhone is linked. Then press the 'Find iPhone' button, select a device from the list and proceed according to the described algorithm.

Block iPhone via iCloud from another iPhone
If another device is available to you on iOS (iPhone or iPad), then launch the mobile application 'Find iPhone' by clicking on the corresponding icon . After logging into your account Apple ID, choose an iPhone from the list provided and turn on Lost Mode in the standard way.

How to block iPhone via android
If you only have an operating system device Android at hand, don't worry. You can also sign in to iCloud using it. On mobile Chrome, enter, then tap the three dots in the upper-right corner of the app. Select 'Full version' from the drop-down list. This action will reload the page in the desktop version and allow you to log in to the resource.

Blocking through the site
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We have already described the procedure for using the Find iPhone function from a computer. Difficulties arise if the site is entered from other people's devices Apple. When you open the site through Safari, the mobile version of the site is automatically displayed, oriented to the owner of the gadget. To change your account and gain access to your devices, you need to open the full version of the site. To do this, after entering the address and downloading the mobile version, click on the 'Share' button at the bottom of the screen (rectangle with an upward arrow) and select the 'Full site version' icon in the menu that opens. The page will reload, and authorization in the account Apple ID will become available.

Stolen iPhone offline
Remote iphone lock will not work immediately if the lost smartphone is turned off or not connected to the Internet. But when you activate Lost Mode via iCloud, the phone is marked in the system and is blocked the first time you go online. Thus, it will not be possible to reflash or restore the smartphone in the standard way, since this requires an Internet connection. All changes made to the device after the activation of the mode are canceled.

Lock apps
The app stores offer third-party programs to help you if you lose your phone, but they only work if you take care of keeping your iPhone safe until it disappears. Install any of them in advance and the chances of a phone return will increase.
Contact If Found
A simple application that places a widget with the owner's contact information in the 'Today' section on the smartphone screen. The person who found the phone does not have to jailbreak the iPhone or wait until you turn on Lost Mode to see the details for contacting the owner.
You can download Contact If Found by following the link.

This powerful app allows you to track the exact coordinates of your iPhone. A feature of the program is that it 'calculates' the address not only by GPS coordinates, but also by the IP address of the Internet access point and available Wi-Fi networks, which increases the accuracy and allows you to find out the location when GPS satellites are unavailable (for example, in building). The program sends information either to the owner's mail, or sends it via Facebook.
Download iHound for iOS.

Reward If Found
This is another application for posting contact information. When you turn on the iPhone, the program shows a beautiful splash screen with any text that you can enter when installing the application. This option, of course, will not help in case of theft, but if the smartphone is lost, it will inform the finder of the possible ways to return the device.

The latest app is for jailbroken iPhones. It is not certified Apple, so it can only be installed from the alternative Cydia store. The program 'binds' to the SIM card inserted in the phone. As soon as it is replaced, the application will inform the owner of this fact. Notifications can be received via SMS and e-mail when you first connect your smartphone to a mobile operator's network or go online.