The company Apple spends millions of dollars and a lot of time developing a security system for smartphones of its own manufacture. The iPhone is protected by a password, personal identification system and other locks. A stolen iPhone is difficult to unlock and make it difficult for another person to use. But, despite all the precautions, smartphones continue to be lost or stolen, and then sold on the black market.
A hot search or a police report rarely yields results. Therefore, users have a question how to find an iPhone by IMEI.
Can you find iPhone by IMEI?
IMEI – phone identification number assigned at the factory. This number does not change after restoration or flashing, like a SIM card. You can change it, but you need a special technique.
In technical centers, the question of whether it is possible to find an iPhone by IMEI is often answered evasively. In theory, this is possible if the attackers did not manage to 'kill' the personal identifier. But in practice, happy outcomes are rare. But the iPhone is an expensive purchase, so it is worth taking all possible measures to search.

Police report
To find an iPhone by Have, you need to contact law enforcement agencies and write a statement about the theft. An independent search is doomed to failure. To find the identification number, you need a database of cellular operators, and only the police have access. Consider the following points when writing your application:
- Specify the exact date, time and place of loss or theft of your smartphone. If possible, describe the perpetrator.
- Take your iPhone documents, check, box, warranty card with you. Without these papers, it is difficult to prove the ownership of the gadget.
- Describe all the features and signs of the device: cover, stickers, scratches, chips, internal contents of folders.
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The police are reluctant to take on such cases, for them this is another hangman. Here it is worth insisting on your own rights and forcing the employee to accept the application. Remember, all the offers on the Internet about finding an iPhone by IMEI under a special program – divorce and fraud. Only law enforcement agencies have such powers. Another legal way to find out the location of a smartphone is through a telecom operator. But if you just come to the MTS or Beeline office, no one will provide such information, only to the police officers and upon application.
Utilities, online services
It is much easier not to find an iPhone via IMEI, but to prevent the loss or foresee a way to find a gadget in advance.
- Install security software. When changing a SIM card, she will send an SMS to the specified number with information about the new 'owner'.
- Online service LoSToleN was created to search for iPhone via IMEI. Users register on the site, add their number to the general list. The same portal is used by bona fide sellers or service centers. When they receive another used device, they check its legality on the website.
- Make a splash screen with a name, address or number on your smartphone screen. If the gadget is lost, the finder can read the contact information and return the phone to the owner.

Probably, the owners of iPhones should not be told that when you first turn on your smartphone, you need to go through identification. In models below the iPhone 8, you will have to 'score' your fingerprints, in devices from 201-2018, this is a face scan.
Find iPhone function
It is recommended to configure this option immediately after purchase. Activation stages:
- Turn on the 'Geolocation' button in the 'Settings' or on the upper work panel.
- In 'Settings' tap on iCloud → put the 'Find iPhone' switch to 'on'.
Now, if lost or stolen, you can determine the location of your smartphone using a special program on your computer. On a PC, go to iCloud and launch the app. If the gadget at this time is in a place where the network and the Internet are available, the estimated location will be indicated on the map. Also, iCloud allows you to remotely erase personal information, block access to folders.
True, attackers try to disable this option first of all, so it's worth hurrying to determine the geolocation. To make it harder for them, lock the keyboard and menu access with your personal password.