How to get iPhone under the pillow: the most proven ways

iPhone only close people will put it under your pillow for free as a gift or reward for special successes. Various advertisements and letters on the Internet are, in most cases, a hoax, and sometimes a scam, bordering on extortion.

  • Often, behind such negative situations are teenagers, secretly from their parents, conducting correspondence with naive citizens who are ready to pay for the services of transporting the desired gadget to them. Of course, no one sends anything. Below is a part of the correspondence with the disclosure of a similar scheme. The result was a promise not to deceive people anymore, but this is impossible to verify.
    How to get iPhone 6 under the pillow: the most proven ways
  • Mailing letters with the text 'passed this to ten different people …' is puzzling, but such content is actively circulating on the net. Oddly enough, this spam is constantly being sent on a variety of topics related to iPhone or personal life.
    How to get iPhone 6 under the pillow: the most proven ways
  • If you receive emails of various subjects with text about winning a large sum of money, new iPhone or other equipment, it is recommended to immediately destroy them. Clicking on the links that may be present in the message is fraught with infection with virus programs and malfunctions in the system of a computer or other device. Take care of your own iPhone, and if you want to get such a gadget, just save up money and don't trust strangers.

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There are various videos on the Internet about how to get iPhone 6, X or another model under the pillow, but believe them or not, your personal decision.

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