Acquisition iPhone requires investment, since gadgets Apple are flagships in the electronics market. But they sometimes fail, and users have a question about how the iPhone is replaced with a new one under warranty. We will understand the problem thoroughly and decide where to go, how to make repairs or return the money spent if we got a defective gadget.

Change iPhone or repair
Until 2017, product users Apple contacted the service center:
- get back the money paid for iPhone;
- replace iPhone with a new one under warranty.
According to official information, iPhone should be changed to workable. There is no guarantee that it has not been in use. And often replacing an iPhone under warranty with a new one meant getting a Refurbished model (translated as 'refurbished' or 'refurbished'). This means that when the device was repaired, parts of previously used gadgets were used.
Since the spring of 2017 Apple, he began to supply components to the workshops, and repairs are carried out with original parts. From that moment on, smartphones were more often repaired than replaced.

Broke iPhone?
Not sure where to carry iPhone? Define the goal you are pursuing:
- return the funds paid for iPhone;
- replace iPhone with a new one under warranty;
- carry out repairs.
You need to do the following:
- For a refund, contact the seller, that is, the store where it was purchased iPhone.
- For replacement or repair – to the service center Apple. There are necessary components, or new phone models.

Experienced product users recommend contacting support directly Apple, rather than carrying the phone directly to the service center. You may be offered:
- Solve the problem remotely.
- Repair yourself. In this case, the company sends the detail.
- Send the gadget to the service, while the company takes care of all shipping costs.
Before contacting technical support, we recommend that you check the availability of service yourself. For this you need:
- Go to the page https: // …
- Indicate IMEI smartphone and captcha.
- Click 'Continue'.

In what cases will the replacement be refused
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Free replacement iPhone for a new one under warranty is possible before the expiration of the warranty period. Usually, depending on the purchased model, the warranty is given for 1-3 years. After the warranty expires, even minor operations such as glass replacement will not be possible free of charge.
But there are a number of situations when the exchange of an iPhone under warranty for a new one will not be carried out, even if you purchased a smartphone a week ago, in particular:
- Damaged or missing IMEI on the case.
- Stolen iPhone for rent.
- The owner is to blame for the failure of the smartphone.
- The breakdown occurred during a natural disaster.
- The gadget is flooded.
- A replacement application is submitted after a self-repair attempt.
Additionally, check the certification of the gadget, otherwise it will not be accepted to the service center either.

Warranty period
For all gadgets Apple (except iPhone), the warranty period starts from the date of purchase. For phones, it comes from the moment of activation.
If you replace a defective device, the warranty report starts over and reaches 3 years.

How to get a refund for a purchase without a check
If you are not interested in the question of how to change an iPhone under warranty for a new one, and you want to return the funds, then you have the right to do so during the warranty period (or in accordance with the store's rules). In such a situation, the seller is obliged to refund the full cost of the smartphone. For a refund, you need to draw up an application and provide an identity card (passport).
Conflicts arise in the absence of a purchase receipt. Often, stores refuse to return funds without presenting a check. But these are illegal actions for a number of reasons:
- The store keeps records of products sold, retaining receipts and other proof of sale, since it is necessary to prepare reports for the tax office. The seller can check if the phone was sold to them.
- In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation on consumer rights, the buyer has the right to return the product without a sales receipt. This is spelled out in Articles 18 and 25 of the Law 'On Protection of Consumer Rights'.
- By returning the smartphone without a receipt, the buyer can confirm the purchase with the testimony of witnesses. This is enough to start the return procedure. But you will not be able to return the funds on the same day, since the gadget will be sent for examination to exclude the possibility of a malfunction due to the buyer's fault. Every second review says that products Apple are often returned, since the breakdown is the fault of the user, not the manufacturer.
But there is no better way to exchange an iPhone for a new one under warranty. In this case, you receive a new phone with a zeroed warranty and you can use it during the warranty period, and change or return the funds.
It is important to understand that you will not be able to get money for a stolen phone or 'gray' equipment, as sellers carefully check the products. Therefore, even if you figure out how to reset your password to iPhone and log out of iCloud by connecting your Apple ID, you will not be able to deceive sellers. If the purchase was made by you, the breakdown occurred as a result of a marriage, then you are guaranteed to receive a new gadget in return or return money for the goods.