Why does iPhone need Predictive Dialing?

The keyboard of apple devices is considered one of the best, which is built into the system by default. It is convenient to interact with, especially with the tablet version, and it also offers a bunch of additional options, thanks to which the number of errors and typos is reduced to almost zero.

The most important is the 'Predictive Set'. When enabled, possible continuation of the word the user has typed appears at the top of the keyboard.

Why does iPhone need Predictive Dialing?

Predictive set

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True, sometimes it is of little use, so many turn it off immediately. But someone cannot imagine their work for a gadget without this function. You can enable or disable it in the device settings.

  1. To do this, go to the 'General' menu and look for the 'Keyboard' item.
  2. Why does iPhone need Predictive Dialing? Why does iPhone need Predictive Dialing?

  3. Among the bunch of options presented on the page, we find the 'Predictive Set'. If a green switch is lit next to it, then the function is enabled. Otherwise, it is disabled.

    Why does iPhone need Predictive Dialing?

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