Hello dear readers! Today I will consider a very burning issue. Why is the iphone battery running out so quickly in the last 6 firmwares? Many, even representatives Apple, tried to give an answer to it, but, unfortunately, not very productively. In this article I will tell you how I solved the problem of discharging my iDevice myself.
I'll make a reservation right away in order to avoid misunderstandings: in this way you can improve the battery for all iPhone, except for iPhone 5!
Once again: on iPhone 5, this operation is strictly prohibited!
At the time of this writing, I am considering the operation of the device on the most recent official firmware iOS – 6.1.2. How long iPhone lives on one full charge cycle? P
about user reviews on the forum Apple, the numbers are something like this:
- iPhone 4 – 15-23 hours, of which 3-4 are meager in use.
- iPhone 4s – 17-26 hours, of which only 4-5 are in use.
… and stuff like that.
Of course, these are not the numbers that were promised to us Apple on their device presentations, and absolutely not the numbers that the user expected when updating their device. iPhone runs out of battery quickly in both talk and standby mode. But how can the problem of such a sudden discharge be solved? For you, dear readers, your humble servant did some research, made a lot of mistakes, but in the end he achieved a certain result, and this result even suits me very much.
But let's move from words to deeds.
These operations can be performed only on those devices that have passed the procedure Jailbreak.
List of devices on which all operations can be carried out without consequences:
- iPhone 3GS
- iPhone 4
- iPhone 4s
interesting 6.1-inch iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro will go on sale first Now officially: announcement of iPhone 12 will take place in a week
To begin with, let's fast forward a little to the past and remember: remember exit iPhone 4 and iOS 4? Then, after purchasing this device, one could enjoy the long-playing battery. But after the release of the new firmware, iOS 5, the situation changed somewhat: the battery began to work a little worse, and the company Apple tried to fix this problem and succeeded with the release of the latest update for iOS 5 – 5.1.1. And now iOS 6 came out – a big fan of eating battery power in a matter of hours.
If on iPhone 5 the battery is consumed even more or less satisfactorily, then in devices of the previous generation this became a serious problem and was often raised on the forums (and it is still rising). But there is practically no real solution anywhere.
Another problem that device users noticed was that the device usage and latency times were the same.
Many solutions have been proposed, but none of them have actually worked or are working to this day.
I, along with many, noticed how quickly the iphone battery runs out. My phone didn’t live a day with almost zero use. I began to try to fix the situation: I was restoring the device, digging into the system, making mistakes, making mistakes … and finally achieved the result. And he satisfied me. I hasten to share.
After doing various experiments with demons, I found one simple thing:
on iOS 5 there is no problem with the battery, so why not take the necessary demons and substitute them in iOS 6? Or rather just one – com.plist.powerd!
Now I'll tell you what to do:
- Download (if you don't already have it) a file manager for iphone to your computer (iFunBox, iTools, iPhone PC Suite).
- Download this daemon (download).
- We transfer it to the System / Library / LaunchDeamons folder and replace it with the file of the same name, having previously copied the original file to the desktop.
- We reboot.
- All is ready!
And now the final stage: after the above steps, do the following:
- Go to Settings> General> Reset> Reset all settings (do not be afraid for the information, only sound settings, auto brightness, in general, what you set in the settings will be deleted, and most importantly, all battery settings will be erased).
- Reboot.
After all the work done to replace the daemon and reset the device, you will notice an increase in the waiting time and usage time, and the data of these two graphs in the settings will be different!
I also recommend reading the article on speeding up your work iPhone.
Enjoy your use!